9 Lives APP: Coming December 2013

Hello Butterflies! Lots of things are happening right now. I just released my 9th album 9 Lives that is getting some serious attention around the world that I cannot possibly thank you all enough for. I just announced a worldwide tour with one of the biggest names in music at the moment, Lorde, supporting me. And now I will present to you all another piece of news that I am very excited about!

We have been developing an app for 9 Lives and next month, we will be releasing it. The 9 Lives App will introduce a brand new platform in which fans will be able to log onto each day and see what new thing is going on. Those who download the app will gain access to news before everyone else knows about it. Not only will the app act as a news feed, but it will also act as a social media service. Think about it being like The Butterfly Room forum, only in mobile form. Fans all around the world will be able to chat and connect with each other on the go using the app. Those who download the app will also be able to preview upcoming releases and buy new releases through iTunes directly from the app. Each short film from the 9 Lives era will also be posted, and next month when the app is released, the app will be the first place to premiere the film for the 4th single from 9 Lives. You can either play each film individually or the app can play them continuously, as each film forms together to make a full story. I will be able to post little messages directly to the app that will appear on the news feed. And for all of you creative Butterflies, this is your chance. I will be hosting a competition through the app in which you send in a video for one of the tracks on 9 Lives that you filmed yourself and I pick a winner.

The app will be free and all of this is coming to you next month!

Until then,



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