iTunes Originals

Good evening Butterflies! A few weeks ago, I recorded my first iTunes Originals compilation because I feel every artist should do one when they get to a certain point in their career. I love iTunes Originals because an artist can fully explain some of their favorite tracks from their career and it opens up a whole new world to the listener. I took the liberty of writing down what I said in each track on here so you can all hear the story, but I would appreciate it if you all bought the album on iTunes because I did some fantastic live renditions of some of my favorite tracks of mine. I transformed them all to fit what I am all about right now. Enjoy.

1. iTunes Originals
iTunes Originals

2. It Came Out in the Winter
"Vernal" was my very first single that came out, it came out in the Winter and I was Aurora then. I was going for a really cold and Winter-y sound. I look back and I listen to the "Freeze Up North" album and I sound... very depressed. But "Vernal" was my start, so I don't regret putting it out. A lot of people want me to go back to this sound but I don't think I would ever repeat myself. But I'm still glad I came out with "Freeze Up North", it shows a different side of me.

3. Vernal (Original Version)

4. My Fans Still Love It
My second album as Aurora, "Blink", I feel had a major difference from "Freeze Up North". "Someday", the first single from it, has a lot of hope and this innocent beauty that I look back on and admire. My fans still love it, they request it all the time and I see everybody's "Now Playing" tweets and they tweet me that they still love this song. "Blink" had a lot of sincerity and a lot of positive thoughts.

5. Someday (iTunes Originals Version)

6. This One Truly Changed My Life
"Miracle" is my biggest hit to date. This one truly changed my life. I wrote it in the Summer. I had been traveling and I was so inspired by all of the fireworks and lights that so many cities had to offer. I wrote this song in a matter of minutes and it truly felt like God was writing the words for me. I felt completely connected to the song and it has this gospel feel in it that I would never have thought I would incorporate in a song. This is when I knew what I was doing would completely change my career, so I renamed myself and produced a wonderful album. "Zenith" is definitely one of my favorite albums.

7. Miracle (Album Version)

8. This Is What Started My 'Luna' Name
"Moon" was based off of this Thom Yorke track he did for the Twilight Saga: New Moon soundtrack. I transformed it with my own lyrics and I made this amazing song. I really loved the outcome. This is what really started my "Luna" name and I am always comparing myself to the moon because I feel so at one with the night. I still love to perform it because it still accurately describes me. If "Miracle" hadn't have been released, this one would have gotten a lot more recognition than it got, even though it was a single.

9. Moon (iTunes Originals Version)

10. It's So Personally Connected to Me
"Breaking the Code" is very similar to "Moon" in the way that it's so personally connected to me and really puts my frustration with society and conformity to the light. For so long in my childhood I would have to deal with people telling me I was different and getting made fun of a lot and I was so sick of making myself feel bad for it. When I grew up, I realized that there was nothing ever wrong with me and that it was good to be different from everybody else. I encourage people all the time to be themselves and it makes me happy when I read my fans' stories about how they stay true to themselves. The world would be a much better place if we all didn't try to fit in so badly.

11. Breaking the Code (iTunes Originals Version)

12. Really Showcased My Love For Dance Music
The release of "Interstellar" really showcased my love for dance music and I got to work with amazing artists such as David Guetta and Royksopp. "Galaxy" is a big favorite of mine simply because of its instrumentation. Royksopp always has this glittery synth imagination land where you feel like you're in a dream when you're listening. They actually produced a track off my upcoming record. I loved and still love working with them.

13. Galaxy (Album Version)

14. Probably Should Have Been The First Single Because I Love It So Much
"Super Human" probably should have been the first single because I love it so much. I have a lot of fun performing this one. The lyrics are just about this strong love; being in love with someone and feeling like they're your superhero because they're so amazing. It's a really bright track.

15. Super Human (iTunes Originals Version)

16. The Most Personal Track On the Album
"Venus" has a lot of personality in it and a lot of different emotions in it. It's definitely my album where genres where nonexistent and I just put everything out in the open. "Road to Somewhere" was the most personal track on the album. I didn't want to make it a full-on single and I think the reason for that was because of my subconscious insecurity that the lyrics deal with. The lyrics explain how I felt through my entire childhood. I felt like I wasn't good enough. At the end, there is just this complete letting go of everything and calling upon everyone to make sure everyone is accepted in this world. I don't want anyone to feel as bad as I did.

17. Road to Somewhere (iTunes Originals Version)

18. Something About Them Turned Me On
"Dirty Harley" had my inner party girl come out. I wrote it when I came back from a party with a lot of guys who had big loud motorcycles. I don't know, I feel like the guys were idiots but something about them turned me on.

19. Dirty Harley (Album Version)

20. It Still Sounds Great
"You Can't Hide" was the single that was never a single. A lot of great music was put into this, produced by the great Calvin Harris. I have been in so many situations in which I find out that a person I'm with is a total s**thead so that's what this song is about. I forgive people a lot but there's only so much you can do. I performed this track at every festival date this past Summer, it still sounds great.

20. You Can't Hide (iTunes Originals Version)

21. A True Dedication To Them
"Butterflies" was the beginning of not only "Horoscope" but the name for my fans. I have a lot of love for my fans but I realized I didn't have a track that was a true dedication to them so I made "Butterflies". I just wanted to explain that even though I'm a celebrity, I feel the same things they feel and I connect with them. My fans and I are one.

22. Butterflies (iTunes Originals Version)

23. My Dedication To My Family
"It's My Time" is my dedication to my family. I actually wrote it right after I woke up from a dream. My family and I were on this hill and we were all rolling down it, having the time of our lives. I love my family so much and I am the person I am today because of them. I love performing this one because I think of them every time. The video I did for this allowed me to visually explain it and actually starred a couple members of my family.

24. It's Our Time (iTunes Originals Version)

25. Hey, It Happens, and I'll Get Over It
During the "Horoscope" era, I had a breakup and I handled it in several ways. I came out with a song that was kind of a happy sad that explained to my fans that I'm hurt but I'm okay and I also came out with "This is How it Goes" which is kind of has this laid back kind of sound that explains 'Hey, it happens, and I'll get over it'. It sort of has this reggae sound. I love singing it so it was the single I released from the "Horoscope" re-release.

26. This is How it Goes (Album Version)

27. Had Such An Epic Sound
"Cloud Living" was an album that was turned into a film. It was a terrific concept and I am so glad I did it. "It's Only Just Begun" was the second single from the album and it had such an epic sound to it, like something you'd hear from a really good movie soundtrack. It really reminded me of "Miracle" in its thundering sound. Performing this track is even better because it is executed a lot more powerful live and I get really into it.

28. It's Only Just Begun (iTunes Originals Version)

29. Has This Gorgeous Flow In It
"Instant" was produced by Benny Benassi and it has this gorgeous flow in it. My vocals got really breathy when I originally recorded it and it's kind of hard for me to repeat that through live performance because the original vocals were just so perfect. It's a really romantic track that definitely complimented the darker "The Underdog" album.

30. Instant (Album Version)

31. It Was All Personal
"The Underdog" had a weird upcoming but I am so glad I was able to present it as a true first single. I was over writing about how I didn't feel good enough as a child and as an early artist but now I was getting fed up with being talked down to by a lot of people as an artist with 7 albums under her belt. I know how this is done but people just love to undervalue me and any small mistake I make is brought out so heavily. That was the inspiration for this track. There was some darkness and anger portrayed in "The Underdog" album but in truth, it was all personal.

32. The Underdog (iTunes Originals Version)


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